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Preparations for plant protection against pests

In this article we will look at the different types of preparations to protect our plants. We will explore the main pests that affect plants, when they appear and what causes them. For each condition, we will present products suitable for prevention and treatment, their dosages and their compatibility with fertilizers and other preparations.

Types of protection: Biological vs. Chemical

Biological preparations for plant protection

Biological preparations are based on natural ingredients (bacteria, fungi and viruses) that control pests naturally.


• They do not pollute the environment

• They carry a minimal risk of toxic residues in plants and soil

• Can be combined with most fertilizers and other preparations


• They do not work instantly - it may take time for the effect to become noticeable.

• They are usually only effective against certain types of pests or diseases. To deal with several problems, you will need to use several preparations.

• May be less effective in bad weather conditions.

Chemical preparations for plant protection

Chemical preparations contain synthetic active substances that act quickly and effectively. This effect, however, does not come without a price.


• Results are visible quickly

• They are effective against many pests and diseases. You can use one preparation for more than one problem.

• Long-lasting effect after application


• Can be harmful to people, animals and the environment. Toxic preparations can change the expression of some genes in your plants and remain in the soil for a very long time.

• Pests can develop resistance to the active ingredients - so over time these preparations become less effective.

In Growshop Gardener you will find biological preparations for protection.

Spider mite

These tiny insects cause plants to wilt and dry up by creating fine webs on the leaves. Over 1,200 species of mites have been discovered, 10 of which are serious enemies of our plants. The big problem with them is that they can breed extremely fast and so have the ability to do massive damage before being stopped. They feed by perforating plants and thus destroying their foliage.

Watch for cobwebs forming on the plant and regularly inspect the underside of the foliage where the mites usually live.

Some types of mites live in the color and cannot be detected until it is too late. Therefore, prevention is very important.

Precipitating factors:

• Dry and warm air

• Lack of sufficient moisture around the plants

• Some of these pests specifically like plants high in nitrogen, making your well-fertilized plants their favorite spot


Thrips also feed on the cell sap, leaving silvery-white spots and black dots (feces) on the leaves. They can carry viruses and cause serious damage to young plants. They are usually small, between 1 and 2 mm long, and can be yellow, brown, black or green. They have characteristic thin wings with feathery hairs that make them recognizable under a microscope.

Thrips leave characteristic marks on the leaves, which you can see in the photos above.


Small insects that feed on plant sap and are among the most destructive pests of cultivated plants in temperate climates. They belong to the family Aphidoidea and can be found in almost all garden and agricultural environments where they affect a variety of plants both indoors and outdoors.

Their color can vary greatly depending on the species, including green, yellow, black, brown, and sometimes pink. But you can recognize them by their consistent pear shape.

Aphids are known for their ability to reproduce rapidly, with a single aphid producing many generations in one season. Some species can reproduce both sexually and asexually.

As they feed, aphids excrete a sticky substance called honeydew. This sugary substance can attract other pests such as ants and can lead to the development of a black fungal disease called sooty blight, which can further inhibit photosynthesis and damage the plant.

Unfortunately, aphids are vectors for many plant viruses, which they transmit from infected plants to healthy ones. These viruses can cause severe plant deformities and are often more destructive than the direct effects of aphid feeding.

Preparations for treatment and prevention

Canna Cure from Canna is a very suitable prevention, as it forms a film on the leaves in which mites, thrips and other insects are "caught" and starve to death.

How to use Canna Cure Spray :
• Spray at least once a week
• Unlike Prot-eco products, this one cannot be mixed with other products. On the other hand, it covers a wide range of issues.

How to use Canna Cure Concentrate :
• Dilute 330 ml. in a liter of water and follow the steps above

Bio Neem by Prot-eco - Neem oil is effective against a wide range of pests, including spider mites, caterpillars, grasshoppers and other insects. On the one hand, it is effective in eliminating the problem, but on the other hand, you can also use it as a prevention - not only against insects, but also against a wide range of molds and diseases.

How to use Bio Neem:
• Dilute 1-2 ml. of the product per liter of water and spray the plant liberally
• You can also add it to the irrigation water, as the dosage there is 2 to 3 ml. per liter
• Use the spray in low light and stop 15 days before harvest
• You can mix with Mobet , which stays in the plant longer and Essentialprot for better penetration in hard-to-reach parts.

Cinnaprot from Prot-eco - will help the plant cope with the stress caused by the mites. It has a powerful auto-regenerative and antioxidant effect.

How to use:
• Dilute 2 - 2.5 ml. per liter
• Apply every 10 days liberally over the entire plant.

SB Plant Invigorator is a Growth Technology product that is environmentally friendly, non-toxic and does not require a quarantine period. A great choice for regular prevention against both pests and diseases. This product has the added quality that it will also supply nutrients to your plant. You can use it as a basic preparation against aphids, thrips, mites and others.

If you use SB Plant Invigorator Spray , you can spray directly onto your plants once a week as a preventative. If the problem is present, spray every other day until you get results. For SB Plant Invigorator Concentrate, dilute 10 ml. per liter of water.

Trabe, bug bomb is a stronger method that works well. This product belongs to the chemical (not biological) products we discussed above and carries their disadvantages. But also their advantages as an instant effect, which is sometimes extremely necessary.

You will find all these preparations in the section Plant protection and its sub-categories Plant protection against insects , Broad-spectrum protection against insects and diseases and Plant protection against diseases .

You can read more about diseases in our article Preparations for plant protection against diseases .

Good luck fighting the bugs, gardeners.

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