Grow Shop Gardener is dedicated to organic plant growing, while offering a full range of fertilizers, soils, horticultural lighting and irrigation systems for all types of growing. We are a direct importer of leading brands such as Atami, Plagron, Growth Technology, Lumatek, Sun Master, Prima Klima and many others.


Specially formulated to improve nutrient absorption, yes
promote root growth and overall plant development as well
to increase the yield quality!


Gardener's blog

Here you will find tips for professional gardeners. We discuss the correct selection of substrates, techniques to increase harvests, protection against insects and diseases, compare ice lamps based on reputable test data and recommend horticultural products for specific situations.

To the blog

About Growshop Gardener

Gardener is the first specialized growshop in Bulgaria. With us you can find everything you need to grow quality plants indoors, outdoors or in a grow box.

We have selected and represent high-quality products from proven manufacturers worldwide. We offer a wide range of fertilizers and soils, lighting, plant protection, equipment and everything you need to improve the yield of your plants.

We are here to help with tips and growing techniques that we know from experience give excellent results.