Growth Technology
Houseplant Myst
Houseplant Myst
Housplant Myst is a spray for nourishing houseplants
The product is suitable for flowers such as: anthurium, fern, dracaena (dragon tree), ficus, palm, poinsettia, as well as cacti, succulents and bromeliads. Houseplant Myst contains mineral and organic substances, marine plant extracts and pure vegetable oils. It also contains humic and fulvic acids, which promote root development, enhance nutrient uptake and support plant health.
Regular spraying with a low concentration of nutrients such as Houseplant Myst is the best way to nourish houseplants. This will give color and shine to the leaves, it will also prevent pests.
How to use: Spray leaves and soil thoroughly. Use regularly.
Not suitable for plants with mossy leaves.